Friday, February 8, 2008

Chapter 11 Vocabulary

Genetics: the scientific study of heredity.

True Breeding: If allowed to self-pollinate, they would produce identical to themselves.

Trait: a specific characteristic that varies from one individual to another.
Hybrid: the offspring of crosses between parents with different traits.
Gene: the chemical factors that determine traits.
Allele: The different forms of a gene.

Segregation: separation of alleles during gamete formation.
Gamete: specialized cell involved in sexual reproduction.

Probability: the likelihood that a particular event will occur.

Punnett Square: The gene combinations that might result from a genetic cross can be determined by drawing a diagram.

Homozygous: organisms that are said to have identical alleles for a particular trait.

Heterozygous: organisms that have two different alleles for the same trait.

Phenotype: physical characteristics.

Genotype: genetic makeup.

Homologous: each of the 4 chromosomes that came from the male parent has a corresponding chromosomes from the female parent.

Diploid: term used to refer to a cell that contains both sets of homologous chromosomes.

Haploid: term used to refer to a cell that contains only a single set of chromosomes and therefore only a single set of genes.

Meiosis: a process of reduction division in which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half through the separation of homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell.

Tetrad: in prophase of meiosis1, each chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous chromosome to form a structure called tetrad.

Crossing-over: as homologous chromosomes pair up and form tetrads in meiosis1, they may exchange portions of their chromotids in this process.
Gene map: diagram showing the relative locations of each known gene on a particular chromosomes.