Friday, January 4, 2008


cell division: When a cell divides and separates through reproduction and growth.
chromatid: Two new strands are formed from the replicated chromosome.
Centromere: A specialized structure on the chromosome. It appears during cell division as the constricted central region. This is where two chromatids are held together in order to form an X shape.
Interphase: the part of the cell cycle where the nucleus is not undergoing division.
Cell cycle: A sequence of activities that involve developement from stem to fully differenciated. Cells divide and appear to be resting.
Mitosis: The dividing of cells including the nucleus and cytoplasm. This is the point where growth and protein production stop.
Prophase: This is the first stage of mitosis. Chromosomes condense and become visible, the nuclear membrane breaks down, and the spindle apparatus forms at different sides of the cell.
Centriole: It is one of two cylindrical cellular structures that are made of nine triplet microtubules and during mitosis, form the asters.
Spindle: A spindle shaped achromatic structure, made of microtubules, where chromosmes are distributed in mitosis.
Metaphase: chromosomes are aligned along a metaphase plate. This is a stage in mitosis.
Anaphase: The stage after metaphase where chromosomes move to opppsite ends of the nuclear spindle.
Telophase: The final stage of mitosis when chromosomes of daughter cells are grouped in new nuclei.
Cytokinesis: After the nucleus divides, the cytoplasm in the cell divides.
Cyclin: A group of proteins alter in concentration at certain points during the cell cycle and bind to a kinase in order to regulate the cell.
Cancer: An invasive growth or tumor that occurs after excision and to metastasize to other sites.

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